College of Islamic Science

Religious Education


The Department of Religious Education is one of the most important departments of the College of Islamic Sciences that was established in 2017-2018 as a crucial need in the field of correct and moderate religious education in the college.

In order to train experts in the field of religious education with a moderate view of all Islamic sciences, during the four years of education within a strong scientific program, approved lessons are taught under the supervision of teachers with higher degrees in various specialties.

Department Vision:

The Department of Religious Education’s vision is to open a new horizon for students to strengthen their country in the fields of education, science, and religion. They will then face the challenges of life and become healthy individuals for society as a contemporary demand. They should also train to be modern teachers who can be involved in religious education in Kurdish schools.

Department Mission:

  1. Providing learning opportunities for students in the field of Islamic sciences.
  2. Strengthening students in the field of religious education, for instance, through intellectual education, cultural education, psychological education, financial education, economics, and educational advice.
  3. Promoting and developing students in terms of intellectual and healthy behaviors.
  4. Practical training of students in the fields of research, seminars, reports, environmental work, and charity.
  5. Encouraging students to act religiously and moderately in their moral and national duties, avoiding all extremism in every aspect of society.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing four years of study, students can work in the following fields:

  1. Generally, they can work as primary and high school teachers of Arabic and in Islamic education departments in particular.
  2. Work as a professional consultant at educational and religious institutions such as Islamic banks, charitable organizations, and non-governmental organizations specializing in development, education, and preaching.
  3. Work as a researcher in education, sociology, and religion.

Study Methods:

The method of study in the Department of Religious Education is as follows

1- Theoretical lessons (in the form of complete directing and information in the classrooms).
2- Discussion (between teachers and students).
3- Project (every week, students begin implementing the lessons taught in the form of projects and complete their assignments in all lessons).
4- Directed questions (the teacher asks specific questions to the students in the classroom and the answers are collected in a group manner).
5- Seminars (students will conduct private seminars in most subjects during the semester)
6- Reports (course requirements require students to write reports on a regular basis throughout the semesters)
7- Reading (students must read and summarize external sources on the requested subject).
8- Examination (three types of exams will be conducted: a weekly exam (quiz), a midterm exam, and a final exam.
9- Assessment (special lessons where students collect their marks weekly and there is no final exam).


The language of instruction in the department is  Kurdish , Arabic, and English is used for the English skills.


The duration of study at the department is 4 academic years, divided into 8 semesters.

Academic Staff:

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